Sunday, August 19, 2007

In Search of My Muse

I took a trip to the beach today. My muse seemed to have taken an unauthorized vacation and I was hell bent on getting her back. With kids in tow, I headed to the beach. Rain and all! We arrived and there she was lounging on the beach! My Muse! Unfortunately first site of me and her friend the sea swifted her away!
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Then and there I decided if the sea was in cahoots with my muse she might as well take the other stuff too. I gladly left my self doubt, which the sea quickly obliged.
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My fear was better left behind. There was a momentary hesitation, after all the sea is mighty what would be done with that! Eventually the sea broke and took it away.

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Procrastination! Now that's a biggy. There was no caving in on this one. Seems the Sea has more procrastination than it knows what to do with. After great hesitation it swiftly pulled half of it away and left the other half stranded on the beach. Of course I couldn't litter so it returned home with me.

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I decided that while my muse is quite the escape artist I had more tricks up my sleeves. I snatched a fishing pole from an innocent bystander and reeled her back in.

Proud of my accomplishments I returned home. Kids in tow. Unfortunately there was so much arguing on the two hour drive my muse became irritated. She jumped out the darn window somewhere on I95. Please feel free to contact me if you happen to find her lying around.

Footnote: Credit given to LJ's thatgirlygirl for the beach writing inspiration...

crossposted to LJ and


nomi said...

I could really use a trip to the beach! I'm afraid my muse may be scuba diving... You're an inspiration! Thanks--Naomi

Brenda said...


I came across your blog through another blog that I read (goadingthepen)...

I love your pics...and I hope your muse is safe at home with you...

Brenda (Lilfix)